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With Return of Sea Lions, a Rebirth at Bronx Zoo

2007.04.28. 14:48 oliverhannak

By STACEY STOWE Having a home renovated is never easy. But at least Adrienne, Cleo and Indie, who normally live in the Bronx, were fortunate enough to have been on an extended vacation in Brooklyn during the noise and dust of their construction project. In June, these three female sea…

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Land Rover’s Tadpole Turns Into a Prince

2007.04.27. 09:37 oliverhannak

By JERRY GARRETT IN the Johnny Cash song “A Boy Named Sue,” the protagonist is inspired by the revelation that his deadbeat dad gave him that awful name because, “I knew you’d have to get tough or die.” Perhaps that’s the rationale for saddling the…

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New Planet Could Be Earthlike, Scientists Say

2007.04.25. 13:18 oliverhannak

By DENNIS OVERBYE The most enticing property yet found outside our solar system is about 20 light-years away in the constellation Libra, a team of European astronomers said yesterday. The astronomers have discovered a planet five times as massive as the Earth orbiting a dim red star known…

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bye-bye Boris

2007.04.24. 14:18 oliverhannak

Boris Yeltsin has died. A hero or not? AFP  Get article backgroundBORIS NIKOLAYEVICH YELTSIN helped to destroy the Soviet Union and did much to bring Russia’s democracy into existence. The former construction engineer was not a great builder of institutions; the democracy was flawed.…

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At Trial, Pain Has a Witness

2007.04.24. 14:17 oliverhannak

By JOHN TIERNEY ALEXANDRIA, Va. —William E. Hurwitz, the prominent doctor on trial here for drug trafficking, spent more than two days on the witness stand last week telling a jury why he had prescribed painkillers to patients who turned out to be drug dealers and addicts. But the…

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earth day

2007.04.22. 17:02 oliverhannak

NEW YORK (AP) -- One million new trees will join the urban landscape of New York City by the year 2017 to reduce air pollution, cool temperatures and help improve the city's long term sustainability, officials said Saturday. The tree program is one of 127 environmental proposals that Mayor Michael…

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Az egészséges kompromisszum

2007.04.21. 11:27 oliverhannak

A társadalom kivételes érdeklődéssel követi azt az indulatoktól sem mentes közéleti vitát, amely a magyar egészségügy reformjáról folyik. Így van ez másutt is. Heves egészségügyireform-viták zajlanak a fejlett országok többségében. Mindenütt keresik a lehetőséget azoknak…

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A Music Player That Needs Seasoning

2007.04.19. 10:17 oliverhannak

State of the Art By DAVID POGUE Ever since the iPod became a culture-changing phenomenon, Apple’s rivals have been desperate to discover the recipe for an iPod beater. SanDisk has just released its latest answer: the Sansa Connect ($250). The ingredients are: 1 black, shiny, softly…

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A szülők végzettsége jelentősen befolyásolja gyermekeik eredményességét

2007.04.19. 10:14 oliverhannak

Kismértékben, de javul a diákok szövegértési teljesítménye - ez derült ki a legutóbbi kompetenciavizsgálat eredményeiből, amely azonban még így is tragikus képet mutat a magyar oktatásról. <a href=";nah=!ie"…

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Il Ferro

2007.04.18. 11:10 oliverhannak

Az autósreklámmal foglalkozó HírAutó állítja, hogy nincs kapcsolat közte és a most nem fizető másik autómatricás cég, az IL Ferro Kft. között. Ám kiderült: az IL Ferro volt tulajdonosának a testvére a HírAutó Kft. kreatív vezetője. <a…

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